Tag: bipolar

  • How I Got Here

    Content warning: mentions of psychosis, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, mental illness, bipolar disorder, hospitalization, depression, self-loathing, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, anxiety, mental illness stigma. I am safe and stable now. This talks about past experiences. Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, and I am here to remind you that I’m a bipolar mental health advocate with…

  • And Into the Darkness, I Shall Follow You

    Reflecting on my Shadow Self through this postcard collage I made for Eleanor Crook’s The Archaeology of the Self course. My psychoses, depression, and weakness I’m putting to the forefront now. It’s been a struggle to recover but I’m glad I’m on the other side.

  • I deserve to be heard

    I’m learning not to give energy to negative events and people, to not speak about them and vent ‘cuz that detracts your attention. To let go and concentrate on myself. BUT this incident is an exception. This is not just someone being rude, but the undermining of neurodiverse voices at the expense of their own…

  • Psychotic Break Monologue

    https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Feileen.ramos.904%2Fvideos%2F10100958822134899%2F&show_text=0&width=560 Here’s a video of me performing “Psychotic Break” taken by Shanet at the Yeah, That’s What She Said Motherland Open Mic awhile back. And this is the original run when I performed the monologue for In Full Color 2017 in February. It just occurred to me that I should share my monologue on this…

  • Being Mentally Ill with #WalangHiya

    In honor of #WomxnsHistoryMonth2017, I’m collaborating with AnneMarie of Formation of a Filipinx American where I wrote a blog to reclaim the phrase #WalangHiya, which has been traditionally used to shame Filipinxs. Her edits were crucial for me to dive deeper into how shame badly affected my mental health, and how speaking about my mental illness openly allowed…

  • you’re one step braver, little one

    If I want to become and be known as a mental health advocate, I’m going to need to speak honestly about ALL aspects of my mental illness. I’m bipolar and I’ve had severe depression for years and have experienced mania. Depression is relatively easy to talk about since it’s the most discussed and most publicized…