because even a punishment can become nourishment

So I decided to export my vital endeavor tumblr to wordpress because I was worried about the whole royalty free license and what not and I was really confused about the terms on tumblr’s page. I’m still going to use tumblr for personal usage but probably just comment on reblogs and share events and videos. Not much original thought. I’ll just do that on my livejournal and on here and on twitter. I hope that last one’s content all belongs to me. *sigh*

Anyway, I’m hoping I’m more productive on here than I was on tumblr. I haven’t did a daily photo post since late August I believe and it’s already the end of September. So bad. Maybe this site will make me feel more productive since it is more professional than the other blog. At least I’m hoping so.  We’ll see.

It looks like I won’t be able to catch up with all my posts, which sucks cuz that means an entire month away from facebook. UGH. I did had all that time and I spent much of it slacking off and I really could’ve kept up with this site from the beginning but dammit. I think it’d be good to get away from that time suck anyway. Though it is my main way of communicating with friends and acquaintances and family and I loveee playing Gardens of Time!

And if I go on that facebook hiatus, should that mean no posting up new content? So no mobile uploads or statuses? I definitely can’t check my email for updates. Hmm. I need to contemplate on this.

Either way, I should go to sleep soon, I think I will in a half hour.  But I’ll definitely ban myself for a fortnight for sure if I don’t get all the blogging done. And since I’m weak as fuck, I’m going to give myself a grace period of an entire day to update this damn site in its entirety, otherwise it’ll be three weeks additional. So five weeks in total plus two days.

Yeah, that seems fair since I’m giving myself a chance so I might as well give a rougher punishment if I choose to take it on and fail. I’m going to start that countdown once I come back from my nyc/ brooklyn trip and turn on the computer and go on the internet.

In any case, it should be really productive for me. I’ll be able to really get into the job hunt, I’ll do some writing, I’ll volunteer at the ranconteur, do much more reading, collage, journal more often, do morning pages, 750 words as well, tumblr and twitter again most likely, blogging of course, do more photography, and probably spend less time on the internet which would make my mother very happy haha. I’ll also watch more shows and movies too and finally play my alice: madness returns and american mcgee’s alice games which I didn’t start at all. And I have a bunch of library books I want to read and finish and a lot of books that I bought as well.

And maybe I can clean up my listography and finally tackle the 102 things in 1001 days list and my before 24 list. That would be fantastic. This might actually be a good thing for me. I get so addicted with things and so fucking obsessed. It’s really horrible haha.


But before I dip out for two weeks, I need to get this guy’s number who is planning on going to the free korean pop concert in nj since I won’t be back til after that. I’ll probably choose the Saturday of the NYCC weekend to return maybe. Yeah, I think I’ll attend Sunday so I’ll be able to update all that I’m up to and such and find out who’s attending on Sunday. I really hope George of Studio NJ is going to be there. I really need to figure out what hours he’ll be signing. (EDIT: Apparently he’s gonna be there all hours, YAY) I should e-mail him but I’m so scared that I’ll come off like a total fan girl dork. You need to see the ongoing list I made on listography to make sure I hit all the points I want to say. Yeah, I think I will go on Sunday for the cheap deals and that’s when Chelsea can go. Hopefully she can come. But we’ll see.

I can really get into doing the sketchbook project and take care of myself more, like eat more than a meal a day (yeah, my mom grilled me about that and I know it’s bad but I’ve been doing that for so long) and wash my face twice a day on a regular basis. I wonder how pretty I’ll get? hehe

I can also clear up some of my mp3 player and maybe listen to it in its entirety and insert some new songs. I haven’t done that in over six months I believe. Probably more. And I can keep my promises and edit people’s work. Ugh. I’m such a bad friend.

But this is good, maybe I can pick up on pinterest or the other sites I’m curious about. Though that could welcome in a whole new addiction. Ergh.

What sucks is I can’t cross off my get off of facebook item off my 1001 days list since I technically can’t start without a good pedometer and this is a punishment though apparently I’m reeling in a lot of good shit hehe.

It’s going to bite not being able to check on people. How the fuck am I supposed to stalk now!?!? hehe. But maybe it’s a good thing, it’ll ease my crushes and I can concentrate on myself like I should. After what happened this past weekend with that big asshole. I just don’t really want to deal with guys, at least in a seriously romantic way. And I know that crushes are mostly harmless but I tend to get really clingy and attached even if you’re just in the peripherals of my life. Never a good thing, unless you like me back, which ends up being such a worse thing.

But hey it’s all good. This is going to be good time away. And if I break down and give in and it’s not for a good reason like my friend hasn’t responded to my text or email in days and I know facebook is the best way to reach her then I’ll add a week more to my sentence. And I can’t spend more than ten minutes on the site and no facebook games man. Maybe daily survey but that’s it!

I think it’s okay for my tumblr posts to keep going to facebook and eventually these words as well. And you know what, mobile uploads are cool too and twitter statuses are good as well. Just as long as I don’t check up on who’s commenting or liking or whatever. It is going to be hard but it’ll be easier as I go through the withdrawal. I just need to make sure to keep busy and maybe when I return I won’t check it nearly as much. That would be great.

I just hope when I do, facebook doesn’t upgrade (or is it downgrade?) on me again and scare the ish out of me haha.

I can also definitely do a solid artist week with artist dates, exercises, and morning pages. I’ve been on the first week for like over a month and I completely forgot what I read. Wait, just bits and pieces are left but you understand what I mean.

I definitely need to update my info on how to reach me, though I will only be gone for two weeks… hopefully. But maybe I’ll use gchat a lot more. Yeah, I’ll do that. And maybe I’ll do AIM on the regular. Pfft. Haha. Gchat is so much better I think. But whatever.

Ughh I’m hungry. I’m so conflicted over whether I should eat the mac and cheese on the skillet from The Smith in NYC or just use their damn photobooth. I only have like a little less than $14 in my bank account and $9 in cash so I shouldn’t, even if my Mom is giving me money. That’s what I get for being a bum and spending my money willy nilly. Though I don’t regret drinking those starbucks, buying books, and whatnot. Still, bad girl eileen!

Okay, that’s enough typing. I need to get to bed dammit. I’m only get like four hours of sleep. Ugh. I’m gonna get so knocked out shit.

I really hope today is wonderful.

Fuck it. I’ll make sure it is.





