Words I Held

I’m handling this better than I would’ve a year ago

oh dear glob

I've been diligently working on my submission for the class bag, Let’s Play: Wayward Sentences, for two months, to upload it on the final day, only to discover only ONE other person did it. wow. i'm laughing so hard, but part of me wants to scream lol ugh

i've already made the envelopes and stuffed them. only need to print the double sided pdf. my plan was to finish up the site before they get mailed, but i don't think the bag will be made at all. i'm kinda sad because i did want to meet my teachers and classmates in person when we collate the bags. but it's okay, life happens and i still greatly enjoyed making it.

the silver lining is i can sell this at the next zine fest i'm doing, and I can add more to it if i want. i've want to create new things anyway so it works out. i can really flesh out my website without the pressure of doing it for a class. september 1st is approachable and i did mention in my letter that this is an ongoing project. i've made 27 constraints so far, maybe i can fill up another double-sided paper before mid-august.

what else can I put in an envelope? let me daydream for a few days. i could decorate the outside, use up my washi tape to seal it or ooh! even wax seal it. There's way more possibilities for this project now and that's always a good thing.

this work is not for nothing. honestly nothing is for nothing. effort, lessons learned, failures, experiments, disappointment--they all lead to something more, i truly believe that and i get proven right each time i falter.

my therapist will be so proud of me lol

I'm honestly glad I didn't know most people aren't participating. I don't think I would've made any of this at all. And I really enjoy how extremely creative and thorough I got with this project.

Now is an invitation to delve deeper, but it won't be a big focus at the moment since I still need to make my zine due Sunday. No clue what to make lol.

I have ideas but nothing I'm wholehearted about. Interactive with small coin envelopes and other neatos. Lots of color. Experimenting. I think I need to go through my hoard to see what I have 15 multiples of that will fit in a half letter zine. I'm gonna read widely, go through some zines. I need a concept where interactive parts are merited. There is so much potential and possibilities with a zine, even if this one is only 8 pages. Covers included.

it'll come to me. It always does