Photo Day 1 – Winning "Eeeee Eee Eeee" Novel


So I decided to do a 365 photo a day again. Only this time on tumblr. But not on this one, but my other one which I’ll link up to by the end of the week hopefully. I just need to get five posts total and I’ve already made two. And I’m not sure about the current theme so I’m gonna find a better one for it.

And I’ll probably join shuttercal after I do this thing for two weeks straight. It’s a really cool 365 photo website where you take pictures in calendar form and you have the option of printing them out in high quality, square shape form with captions and date on the print. And you can get them in a box made just for them. So neat. I think I’ll get a membership once I get a job so it’ll force me to do this everyday and do it really well. If I paid for something I think I’ll have a higher stake and therefore more likely to do it correctly and wonderfully. At least that’s the theory, I hope it works.

Anyway today seems like a good day to start it since I won something awesome and I got it in the mail today. HOORAY!

It’s this:

Tao Lin’s debut novel, “Eeeee Eee Eeee.” I’m real excited since I haven’t read his work other than tweets, excerpts, and tumblr posts. He looks quite promising and I can’t wait! And it’s supposed to be really weird and out there. And it has Elijah Wood which is always a plus haha.

My Grandma is reading it now, I hope she likes it. She does so far but I have no clue if she gotten to the surreal shit yet. I’d love to gauge her reaction haha.

I wish he signed it but the 2 on the inside will suffice. Besides I got three neat prints in the package as well. One I gave to Emmalyn, the other is going inside my journal, and the third I will use to as a bookmark for the novel and then give it to someone who wants it. Any takers? hehe.

And oh, here’s Tao Lin’s tumblr. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to read all the way to the bottom of one of his posts and enter in a giveaway. I was madd lucky since I’m constantly on this damn thing and was one of the first to reblog and comment on what I want. 

You definitely should follow authors, writers, artists, artisans, and comic book writers on the social web. They sometimes do contests and giveaways and who knows, you might win something. Glad I did hehe. I’m gonna scour the web for more neat creative types to follow and maybe score some free swag. Besides, I like to keep up with what new works and exhibits they have going on. And they’ll undoubtedly will be getting my money so win-win haha.

I hope you win something from someone famous real soon. And if so, let me know! It’s fun to share in the joy hehe.

YAYY!!! Now I know how to reblog myself! By installing Missing e extension on my firefox/chrome. Awesome! I love it, so many features and goodies that I can’t wait to try out! Makes me want to skip or something. I’ll probably be obsessed with tumblr even more. Especially love how you can organize your archive by post type which makes searching less of a hassle. I can tell my life is gonna get easier hehe.

Anyway, this is my first post of the photo a day journal on here. I know I technically did it on the intervital one but I was really excited to show it hehe. No worries, in a few days I’ll announce you baby and you’ll be my official girl hah. And I’m definitely gonna do the second day’s post on you :). Happy? hehe.



