Photo Day 2 – Overdue Library Books… ARGGHH!

Just. Damn. Me. GRRR.

I’ve accumulated so many late fines it’s ridic. I’m too embarassed to tell you the amount but to give you an idea, I want to bash my head into the desk right in front of me. I would TOTALLY do it if it’d erase my fines and I wouldn’t have to pay them. Just give me proof of word and my forehead will be sore in a second. Guaranteed.

Anyway, clockwise from the center:

  1. Plain Kate by Erin Bow – A debut novel for the young adult audience with magical realism. Female protagonist. Umm I won’t be able to tell you that much about what they’re about cuz I haven’t read any of these books yet.. ergh. but I’m linking it to their amazon pages so just read the reviews haha.
  2. On Love by Alain De Botton – His debut novel on an unnamed male protagonist and his trials with love where he analyzes it a whole bunch with diagrams. Definitely my cup of tea. I read his book Status Anxiety and it became one of my top five. So good. I really hope it matches it or is really close to it. I really want to meet him or at least hear a lecture by him. He also found The School of Life which is a really awesome place where you can get lectured and do workshops and get reading recommendations and much more! You can learn how to face Death, how to realize your potential, and how to have better conversations. So cool. When I travel around the globe and stop by London, I’m SO gonna go there and take one of their classes. Can’t wait!
  3. Meanwhile: Pick Any Path. 3,856 Story Possibilities by Jason Shiga – A really awesome looking choose your adventure book where you play with tabs and pull outs and such. It’s for grade school kids but it’s pretty complicated. You play a kid named Jimmy and your choice is either vanilla or chocolate and from there you have to figure out the best choices to make or the world becomes a wreck. Not good. It even uses math and you have to do codes and stuff. Real neat. I’m definitely gonna try my hand with it either tonight or tomorrow. Should be a lot of fun hehe.
  4. The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet: A Novel by Reif Larsen – Now I don’t remember where I first heard about this book but I’m real glad I did. It’s about this genius 12-year-old cartographer who gets a phone call that he won a huge award and he sets off by himself to get it. Hundreds of miles away. Crazy kid. Anyway, we read his perspective on life and the world through his charts and images and the margin notes that abound in this book. They’re pretty cool and out of all the books, this is the one is I really want to read the most. I hope I can make it before my self-imposed deadline.
  5. Vox by Nicholson Baker – A novel that only contains the entire conversation between a man and a woman who meet on a phone sex hot line and chat. That’s it. If you think that’s mad thin, then you should read his Mezzanine, which is about a worker’s ride on the escalator and his thoughts. I read that and even though it was occasionally tedious and boring, it was pretty cool observing his thoughts and what tangents it’d take them. Overall I liked that one and hopefully this will be much better since that former one was his debut and this one is an actual conversation. The other one didn’t really have too much dialogue. I’m looking forward to reading it, at least it’s quirky hehe.

My self-imposed deadline is AUGUST 31ST. I’ve had these books for like two months now and it’s time to return them. For every book that I don’t finish, I’m adding one week to the self-ban of getting books out of the interlibrary system, which is already two months. And I’m also preventing myself from borrowing books for at least month on my card. I just hope the fines aren’t that high. I’m a little anxious about that. 

Hopefully I’ll at least return one of them tomorrow since I plan on going to the library anyway to renew my sister’s library card. And maybe take some books out on her card hehe. I’m such a badass. Or at least a dorky one.

Ehh. Someone is gonna fall in love with me anyway.

What a fucking sucker hahaha.

And I’ve decided to include my statistics  links of my 750 words entries. Here’s day II. It’s good cuz they’re both on the same wavelength of starting dates and I won’t have to do another post. I love conserving space haha. 



