Category: courage young heart

  • Reverse Pandora

    For the Text and Image workshop I took with Simone Kearney at Brooklyn Poets, I wrote a poem titled “Reverse Pandora”. The prompt was to bring an interesting object and write about it in different voices and detailing. I enjoyed writing it and you can see a video of me reciting here Content warning: psychosis,…

  • I deserve to be heard

    I’m learning not to give energy to negative events and people, to not speak about them and vent ‘cuz that detracts your attention. To let go and concentrate on myself. BUT this incident is an exception. This is not just someone being rude, but the undermining of neurodiverse voices at the expense of their own…

  • I will not hold back in my love for you

    I’m noticing some changes to my being. I honestly feel like I’m on the cusp of another stage of growth. Due to the following: I check in with friends a lot more often, esp when they told me earlier how they weren’t doing well, feeling sad, or struggling with something. I don’t ask “how are…

  • without permission

    I am most fortunate to be surrounded by such loved ones who believe in me more than I ever do. Every time they suggest a project I should try, I am always surprised. From publications to jobs to creative endeavors, I am floored by which they think I’m capable of. I am trying to hit…

  • you’re still a good person

    Periodically, I want to write letters to myself here. Letters that I hope will push me forward and allow me to be more gentle with myself. I’ll be honest with you, I’m having a tough time right now. But I recognize that this will pass and I will go on to better circumstances. Here’s missive…

  • add more love to the world

    Everyday I do more things I like versus ones I love. I like scrolling through Facebook and clicking reactions. But I only love it when a friend is sharing an accomplishment. Besides those moments, running down my newsfeed doesn’t really add value to my life. And if you asked me what I saw today, I…

  • you’re doing fine; keep going

    Outgoing. That’s a new adjective to adjust to. I’m doing outgoing activities like open mics, performing monologues, and this upcoming zine fest called the Betty Zine Fest in Newark, October 7th, 2017 from 11am-4pm. I’ll be tabling and selling there, my first time doing so at a zine fest! I’m really excited but nervous. Though…

  • you’re one step braver, little one

    If I want to become and be known as a mental health advocate, I’m going to need to speak honestly about ALL aspects of my mental illness. I’m bipolar and I’ve had severe depression for years and have experienced mania. Depression is relatively easy to talk about since it’s the most discussed and most publicized…

  • That Next Step

    I think I want to try a new approach to this blog. The original idea was for this to be solely for creative works, whether it was in the form of poetry, short stories, photos of the day, sketchbook spreads, collages, etc. But I decided to switch it up and include more personal material, like…

  • I’ve been thinking of things to write and just letting them go. Some concern work, others were about past heartbreaks. I have a lot of trouble with moving on but this is a good first step. On my livejournal I’d stay up late and write down every itty bitty thought, even if it defamed my…